Sunday, July 20, 2008


Firstly, temperature affects the working of enzymes.Enzymes are destroyed by high temperatures,the proteins in the enzymes become denatured as they lose their specific shape.The process of digestion of food cannot be carried out anymore.In fact, each enzyme has an optimum working temperature.

Secondly,the acidity and alkalinity of the environment where the enzymes work does affect the working of enzymes too.Different enzymes work best under different pH valued environments.Most enzymes work best at pH value 7.Others then work best in acidic or alkaline mediums.Enzymes too become denatured if the pH value of the medium is incorrect.

digestion question 2

What affects the work of enzymes?

deforestation part 2

Deforestation is a substantial contributor to global warming,and although 70% of the oxygen we breathe comes from the photosynthesis of marine green algae and cyanobacteria, the mass destroying of the worlds rain forests is not beneficial to our environment. In addition, the incineration and burning of forest plants in order to clear land releases tonnes of CO2 which increases the impact of global warming. Global warming also affects the habitat losses of animals.

For example, the polar ice caps are melting at a higher rate due global warming that is further enhanced by deforestation as there is lesser trees to absorb carbon dioxide. Animals who live in the North and South Poles will be affected. Polar bears may die due to the hot weather that is caused by global warming or even get drowned as the ice keeps melting, increasing the overall sea level.


I found out that there are many factors that result in this situation from happening.Firstly, the effects of deforestation destroys the animals' habitats and the sources of food available in the forests.Having lesser sources of food, the animals may starve and die.Without a safe habitat for animals to live in, this may cause them to be eaten by predators easily. Another factor that causes the habitat loss is the leakage of oil into the sea. Once oil leaks, it will create a layer above the sea water, causing negligible sunlight to pass through this layer,resulting in the marine plants not being able to photosynthesise to make food, eventually they die. When marine plants die, the fishes that feed on them will not have any other food and will die too. Being the predators of such fish, they too cannot survive due to the shortage of this source of food.The whole marine food chain is thus destroyed by the leakage of oil

Monday, July 7, 2008


I have finally thought of a question on the topic ecology. My question is--- what are some of the factors that cause the habitat losses of animals and what is the effect of this action?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Now, I shall talk about the 3 main classes of food first. They are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are first digested in the mouth by salivary amylase, then further digested into maltose. Then, more digestion takes place in the small intestine and the enzyme maltase digests it into the final product of glucose.

Proteins are however digested in the stomach first by the presence of pepsin. The proteins then is converted into peptones. Peptones are further digested in the small intestine by erepsin, thus leading to the final product of amino acids.

Lastly, fats are digested first in the duodenum. The duodenum is the part after the stomach. Fats are digested by bile into emulsified fats.Bile is not an enzyme however.Finally, the emulsified fats are digested in the small intestine again by lipase into fatty acids and glycerol.